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Funded by the following calls: LEFE-CYBER, LEFE-GMMC, AI-IRD, Contrat de Projet Etat-Polynésie Recherche et innovation, Ministère de l’Outre-Mer
The objectives of THOT are twofold: 1) to document the interannual to decadal variability of biogeochemical cycles in the South Pacific; 2) to do this, to develop a virtually fixed station by combining two autonomous observing instruments (a wave glider and a physical-biogeochemical profiling float).
Main people involved: H. Claustre & A. Poteau UMR LOV ; R. Sauzède UMR EIO ; X. Heinis & S. Renard Assystem Polynésie.
THOT: Éducation
Associated publications
Sauzède, R., Martinez, E., Maes, C., De Fommervault, O. P., Poteau, A., Mignot, A., ... & Laurent, V. (2020). Enhancement of phytoplankton biomass leeward of Tahiti as observed by Biogeochemical-Argo floats. Journal of Marine Systems, 204, 103284.
THOT: Expérience
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